Newsletter 33

Forum Update Number 33

Dear Resident / Residents' Group

First of all, many thanks to the thirty or so residents who, together with our Councillors and local Police Team, attended the Forum meeting on January 7th. A full copy of the highlights is now posted on our new website, together with slides shown during the meeting. The next meeting will be on Tuesday April 7th in our usual venue at the Coombe Dingle Sports Centre.

New Defibrillator
A new defibrillator has been installed on the wall of the Methodist Church. While there will be an official “opening” in the near future, I am assured that the device is fully operational. The procedure for accessing the defibrillator is to ring 999, ask for the ambulance service and tell them the number on the cabinet – they will then give you the code to unlock to door and will talk you through using the device.

A4018 developments
As discussed at the Forum, some CIL money has been set aside to provide a safe crossing on Canford Lane, and funding for one or two additional crossings may be provided from the A4018 developments. Other than that, all was thought to be quiet, but Steve Smith has alerted us to the fact that a little over £3m has been approved for what is described as "Phase 1A" of the project. More details are available on our website, but this includes a zebra crossing on Passage Rd and improvements to crossings and bus stops in Brentry. It also includes new bus and cycle lanes on the Brentry part of Passage Rd between the Crow Lane roundabout and the top of the hill at Northover Rd, which is more controversial.

Library Strategy
The Library Service has released a document outlining their vision for the next few years. A copy of the document is available on the library group website, and printed copies should soon be available in the library.

New Forum Website
Finally, can I urge you to have a look at the new Forum website and send me your views on whether it is worth having, how it can be improved, what information you would like to see there and how we can make it more widely known... The site is and I look forward to your comments (whether positive or negative)!

Reporting Issues to the Council

Most issues/problems can be raised directly with the Council online at
Reporting online can get a quicker response than trying to phone as the reports go directly to the teams on the ground. Some of the most useful direct links are:
Fly Tipping
Park/Green Space Problems
A Street Issue
Suggest Improvements to Local Roads

If you have issues that can't be reported online, or where the Council is failing to resolve them, then you should contact the Westbury & Henleaze councillors, currently:
Geoff Gollop:
Liz Radford:
Steve Smith:

Send us a message


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