Newsletter 32

Forum Update Number 32

Dear Resident / Residents' Group

First of all, many thanks to the thirty or so residents who, together with our Councillors and local Police Team, attended the Forum meeting on October 8th. A full copy of the highlights is now posted on our new website, together with slides shown during the meeting. The next meeting will be on Tuesday January 7th in our usual venue at the Coombe Dingle Sports Centre.

Communicating concerns to the Council
If you have general concerns about antisocial behaviour and situations which might pose health and safety or hygiene risks, you are advised to contact the Council Neighbourhood Enforcement Unit at and possibly copy the message to Geoff or Steve. In any situations where you feel under pressure or at any risk, contact the police on 999. While you might not feel the situation is an "emergency", the call handlers can log the call and assess the relative urgency. This also applies to "cold callers" who you feel may be targeting your area and pressurising people to accept their services.

Library Innovations Funding
As discussed at the Forum, the Library service are making a sum of £3,000 available to each library area to support projects which will help develop the use of the library by the community. Details are on the Council website and also the Westbury Library Group site. The deadline for making an application is December 13th and the project must be completed by November 2020.

Other Presentations
Rob Laurence made a presentation on the need for more accommodation for Uniformed Organisations such as the Scouts, Guides and Air Cadets, together with the possibility of developing a Community Centre in conjunction with other community groups. He can be contacted at
Stephanie French provided an update on the work of the Tree Forum in ensuring that trees removed by developers are replaced appropriately. She can be contacted at

New Forum Website
Finally, can I urge you to have a look at the new Forum website and send me your views on whether it is worth having, how it can be improved, what information you would like to see there and how we can make it more widely known... The site is and I look forward to your comments (whether positive or negative)!

Reporting Issues to the Council

Most issues/problems can be raised directly with the Council online at
Reporting online can get a quicker response than trying to phone as the reports go directly to the teams on the ground. Some of the most useful direct links are:
Fly Tipping
Park/Green Space Problems
A Street Issue
Suggest Improvements to Local Roads

If you have issues that can't be reported online, or where the Council is failing to resolve them, then you should contact the Westbury & Henleaze councillors, currently:
Geoff Gollop:
Liz Radford:
Steve Smith:

Send us a message


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