Newsletter 25

Forum Update Number 25

Dear Resident / Residents' Group
First, please accept my apologies for sending out this latest Update so soon after the last!
However, I wanted to advise you that the long-awaited Statutory Consultation for the Westbury Parking Review has gone "live" today.

The Westbury Parking Review
It's been a long time coming - in fact three years have passed since BCC first reported their recommendations, following completion of their Informal Consultation funded by our local Neighbourhood Partnership, way back in 2014. The Statutory Consultation is now the final link in the process for the requisite Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). The Consultation closes on 29 May but please be mindful of the "gypsy's warning" and don't risk losing the good in search for the best.

Walkability Walks
As part of Bristol's Walking Festival, that runs for the whole of May, a number of 'walkability walks' are planned in Westbury-on-Trym and Henleaze. These are short walks exploring good and bad walking environments and will be held:
Tuesday 7th May:      10am and 6pm, Westbury village
Wednesday 8th May: 10am and 6pm, Westbury village, Stoke Lane and Henleaze
The walks are part of a number of events in the Bristol Walk Fest, put on by Bristol Walking Alliance and others.

Reporting Issues to the Council

Most issues/problems can be raised directly with the Council online at
Reporting online can get a quicker response than trying to phone as the reports go directly to the teams on the ground. Some of the most useful direct links are:
Fly Tipping
Park/Green Space Problems
A Street Issue
Suggest Improvements to Local Roads

If you have issues that can't be reported online, or where the Council is failing to resolve them, then you should contact the Westbury & Henleaze councillors, currently:
Geoff Gollop:
Liz Radford:
Steve Smith:

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