Newsletter 18

Forum Update Number 18

Dear Resident / Residents' Group
Please remember that the next Meeting of the Westbury Community Forum will be held at the Coombe Dingle Sports Complex (Old Pavilion) on Tuesday 8 January 2019, commencing at 7.00pm.

Westbury Parking Review - Update!
Westbury residents may very well remember that in the far-off past - 2014 to be precise – the local Neighbourhood Partnership (NP3) funded a Parking Review for Westbury Village and its environs. This culminated in BCC’s Highways function publishing its recommendations in May 2016 for new and revised parking restrictions to be taken forward to a Statutory Consultation, as the final link in the process for the requisite Traffic Regulation Order (TRO).

Then things all went quiet, very quiet, with no apparent progress towards the Statutory Consultation - that is until now!

So, we are pleased to announce that BCC’s Area Manager (Local and Sustainable Transport) has recently confirmed that work has, in fact, progressed behind the scenes and all the preparatory work for the proposed TRO and the associated legal documentation has been drafted, such that the Statutory Consultation process should commence in late January/early February - presumably 2019!

CIL-funded Projects
Do you need funding for a local project? Then funds from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) or Section 106 (S106), may be available to you, or your Group.

Limited funding is available to improve facilities in our local area for a wide range of projects. Westbury-on-Trym and Henleaze is one of six groups of Bristol City Wards which can allocate funding to selected, qualifying, bids.

Our 3 Ward councillors are members of a committee of the 13 local councillors constituted under the umbrella of Area Committee 1, who meet once or twice a year to assess and decide on applications.

The range of projects that can be considered is quite extensive but there are some restrictions. Full details and background information can be found at which also has links to the Council’s website.

If you have a project that you wish to be considered, then please email brief details to your local councillors (see email addresses in the box below) so that these can be presented for consideration/discussion at the next Meeting of the Westbury Community Forum on 8 January 2019.

Reporting Issues to the Council
Most issues/problems can be raised directly with the Council online at
Reporting online can get a quicker response than trying to phone as the reports go directly to the teams on the ground. Some of the most useful direct links are:
Fly Tipping
Park/Green Space Problems
A Street Issue
Suggest Improvements to Local Roads

If you have issues that can't be reported online, or where the Council is failing to resolve them, then you should contact the Westbury & Henleaze councillors, currently:
Geoff Gollop:
Liz Radford:
Steve Smith:

Send us a message


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