Forum Meeting July 2023

Minutes of Westbury on Trym Community Forum
held in Westbury Library on July 18th 2023 

The meeting began with refreshments. At 7.50pm Malcolm Neave welcomed everyone and introduced two of our councillors, Geoff Gollop and Steve Smith. Councillor Sharon Scott could not attend as she was on holiday. The meeting was attended by 23 people but unfortunately no police representatives were able to attend.

1 Police Update
Malcolm talked through the monthly crime statistics provided by the police. The two highest categories were Shop-lifting and Violent Crime, although Malcolm clarified that the latter included any situation where violence occurred, such as a scuffle after closing time… The number of cases of Other Theft, which includes thefts from garden sheds and similar locations is regularly quite high.

At previous meetings, attendees had asked for information on how to report any parking issues and whether it should be to the council or to the police. Information on this is to be found on the Police website and Malcolm shared this with the meeting. In brief, it is a criminal offence if the parking is on the approach to a crossing or across a droped kerb or is obstructing the pavement; parking on double yellow lines, in loading areas, etc is a civil offence and dealt with by the council.

Recently there has been a crack-down on anybody dropping litter outside Temple Meads Station and the Coach Station, and litter police have been issuing them with on the spot fines. The fines, which can be over £100, seem to be out of proportion with the amount of litter dropped so this situation is rather worrying. Gordon Richardson had wished to talk to the police reps. and the councillors about this. Malcolm raised the topic on his behalf with Geoff and Steve, but they had no knowledge of the situation. It was felt that education rather than immediate fines would be more helpful in resolving this matter.

2 News and updates from our Councillors:

St. Christopher’s School Site – The planning application was due to be discussed by the Planning Committee at their meeting in May but the developers withdrew it at the last minute and this is now on the agenda for the planning meeting on August 9th. The application is likely to be refused. Stoke Lodge Playing Fields – The Council Ways and Means Committee have voted that they should get Town Green Status. Cotham School have 4 weeks to lodge an appeal, so we should know by the end of the Summer whether the long legal battle is at an end. If Cotham School do not appeal then the fence will have to be removed which may cause a few probems.

Westbury Road is due to be closed between the junction with Falcondale Road and the White Tree roundabout for 2 weeks in the middle of August, After that there will be a rolling programme of partial road closures until Christmas. There will be an official diversion through Stoke Bishop which will be followed by the bus companies but residents are worried that other vehicles will use the small roads in Henleaze instead of this.

Canford Lane – There are problems with funding for building the planned zebra crossing outside the Crematorium. Money was allocated for this 4 years ago but due to delays in the planning process the Council cannot now find a contractor willing to do the work for the amount set aside at the time, as costs will now be so much higher.

Council Budget Proposals In the budget agreed in February for the financial year beginning on 1st April 2024 the Council proposed charging low income residents a lot more. This is predicted by officers to bring in about £3 million in revenue; however it has been suggested that the amount collected will be lower and the cost of collecting will be higher than estimated as many of the residents will have great difficulty in paying. A consultation on this is about to go live. We must remember that if this does not go ahead, then the revenue will have to be raised from other areas and this may affect other services. Initially a cross-party group was going to be involved in setting this budget but the Mayor decided to set the budget on his own.

Council Structure: Geoff is part of a group devising the future form of committees and the way decision making will happen after next year’s elections when we will no longer have an elected Mayor. From next April/May the intention is that there will be more council members’ involvement and more transparency in the process. Due to a number of councillors stepping down there will be quite a few new councillors next year, and this may impact the political complexion of the council.

Transport Issues WECA will decide on any mass transit system for Bristol including the Mayor’s proposals for an Underground / Overground mass trasit system. 

The Beacon project is likely to incur increased costs.

3 Westbury Hill Car-Park Survey Results:
Following discussions on the Council’s proposal to introduce charges at all the free car-parks in Bristol, it was agreed that a survey should be carried out to provide data on the role of the car park in village life, following on from one organised by Tony Hoare and the TPM group which measured the length of time vehicles spent in the car par. Andy Renshaw, through the Westbury on Trym Society, organised a survey in June. They received 315 responses to a brief questionnaire. Drivers were asked which postcode area they had driven from, how long they intended to stay, the purpose of their visit and what impact charging would have on future visits. Malcolm presented a series of slides showing the initial analysis of the results. This gives us some firm data to present to the council when they publish the draft traffic order for public consultation. Andy commented that people parking on the street to avoid paying would have a serious effect on highways. The surgery and the churches are already communicating with their patients/attendees and will clearly raise their concerns strongly when the draft order is published.

4 Remembrance Sunday Arrangements:
Patrick Harris and David Emery from Holy Trinity Parish Church spoke to the meeting about discussions they have been having with the Council about this year’s Remembrance Sunday community event at the War Memorial in Westbury on Trym.
The Holy Trinity PCC insurance will cover it but as the police have issued very strict guidelines for those organising community events the Council are not happy to allow it to go ahead without police involvement. Geoff Gollop and Steve Smith said they will approach the problem by contacting the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office as Holy Trinity are having difficulty finding anyone in the Police who can suggest a way forward. Keith Yeandel asked if there would be a cost if the police were involved on the day. This was felt to be unlikely, but would be raised by the councillors in their discussion. Henry Deval asked if the War Memorial will be cleaned before November as the stone is very dirty and it needs renovation. This has been raised with the relevant department by the councillors, and they have been assured that this will be done in good time, although no actual date was given.

5 Tree Update
Stephanie French gave an update on tree planting in the area. The 2021/22 applications for CIL funding have resulted in two replacement trees being planted in the Westbury area – 1 in Stoke Grove and 1 in Southfield Road. In October 2021 British Telecom felled 2 mature trees without permission and were ordered to pay £30,000 in compensation to pay for replacement trees within a mile of the offence. 10 trees were allocated to Westbury of which 5 have been planted in Abbey Road.

6 The Transport and Placemaking Group
The TPM group have been discussing traffic issues in the village and surrounding are for some time, and have now produced a Discussion Report on the traffic situation in Westbury Village. Since the Council scheme for improvements to the A4018 was published for public consultation, and was overwhelmingly rejected with regards to the plan for Westbury Village, the group has been working on this report so that they can present it to the Council. Alan Morris gave an overview of their document, which identifies key objectives, suggests improvement strategies that could be employed and lists possible actions to improve the traffic flow in the village centre. The document is available on their website – – and any comments can be sent to Geoff congratulated the group for their approach to pre-empt the Council Planning Group

7 Planning Issues
Andy Renshaw outlined various contentious applications for developments in the Westbury area. 47, and 49, High Street - a backland site – 5 houses and 1 commercial unit- would have access problems and would overlook Fraley Road and the three terraced houses in High Street in from of them. The 49, High Street application is for 3 houses. Both of these developments would cause parking problems. Interesting that they are two separate applications from two different developers.
15, Westfield Road – work has started before all preparatory administration matters have been completed. There are some beautiful mature trees on site. One has already been removed without permission and, as pile driving has started, it is likely that the others will sustain root damage. We will need to keep a close eye on proceedings.

8 Any Other Business

Bus Routes Nos 10 and 11
– Geoff has not heard any more news on these routes. Although they were only supposed to go to Southmead Hospital it appears that three buses a day actually go to Parkway (early morning, mid afternoon and late-night).
The bus companies provide information to WECA who then produce the timetables.

Old Brunel Swing Bridge - Peter Heaven told the meeting that the SS Great Britain Trust are trying to get permission to move the old Brunel swing bridge, presently beneath the fly-over, to the SS Great Britain site. This is very worrying as it is frail and could be damaged beyond repair.

9 Date of future meetings
The Councillors will hold their next meeting on Zoom at 7pm on September 5th.
The date of the next Forum meeting in Westbury Library has been agreed as Monday October 30th.

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