
Welcome to Westbury Community Forum

The purpose of this website is twofold:
  • To provide information on the Forum's regular meetings including agendas, slides and notes taken.
  • To provide links to as many local organisations as possible and to give notice of their future activities.
The next Westbury Forum will be on Tuesday January 7th!
The next meeting of the Westbury Forum will take place in Westbury Library on Falcondale Road. Doors will open at 7:30pm and the meeting will begin at about 7:45pm after coffee and biscuits. Because the front doors of the library are controlled by the Extended Access system, you are asked to use the side entrance, which involves two steps; if this would cause you difficulties, please let us know, and we can open the main doors from the inside to allow entrance via the ramp at the front of the building. If you have any other questions, or would like to make any announcements at the meeting, please contact me on 0117 9502825 or by email at westburyforum@gmail.com

Notes of the last meeting, held on October 1st, are available HERE

Malcolm Neave

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